York Area Down Syndrome Association (YADSA) is a non-profit organization that provides support to families with children and adults with disabilities with a primary focus on individuals with Down syndrome. YADSA’s goal is to bring an understanding of Down syndrome to the community and professionals.
You can count on YADSA to be supportive, informative and there for your family. We offer many activities and have monthly business and support meetings. YADSA is a great opportunity for families to share and talk to each other. Please feel free to reach out to YADSA at anytime via email at yadsagroup@gmail.com
Encourage professionals and the community to recognize the value of people with Down syndrome through medical outreach. We work together with local hospitals and physician offices in the area and have a parent who serves as our Medical Outreach Coordinator. We distribute Welcome Baskets to various hospitals for new and expectant parents.
Provide information for parents and the community through meetings, special speakers, and educational training. We work together with many local school districts and other local organizations in the area who provide supports to individuals with Down syndrome. We have meetings where speakers, such as educators and therapist come to and share information.
Promote independence and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. YADSA’s vision is to support families and provide them with tools and support to provide the most opportunities for their family member with Down syndrome. We do this by working with educators, medical professionals and local groups in the community.
We provide grants to assist families with therapy, education and medical needs. You can submit a grant application from the website. Scholarships are available to students pursuing higher education that relates to supporting individuals with disabilities.
Promote growth and development of individuals with Down syndrome through activities and programs. YADSA has several activities throughout the year. These activities are listed under our activities section on the website. They provide wonderful opportunities for growth, development and opportunities for friendship.